I dream of dada

Dream Number 36: “a camper has a carton of orange juice and a carton of Corona beer”
February 20, 2009, 9:42 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , ,

Rachel writes:

I had just arrived in an airport in South Korea. I was talking to someone on the escalator about how everything here is made of paper pulp – hotel sheets, hairbrushes, even the walls of some of the buildings. It’s the new plastic, I remark. Then, I’m met by George Takei, who was coming to pick me up, and he hands me an enormous bouquet of parsley. He decides it’s time for pictures, so he passes off his camera and begins striking wacky poses behind me, as I brandish my parsley in confusion. It takes me a while to get into it, but eventually I decide it’s fun to make faces with George Takei, and as each picture is snapped, the “screen” of the dream goes white and I can see the photograph that was taken, like a cheesy photo booth montage from the makeover scene of some high school movie. Once we’re done taking pictures, we go to the hotel, which looks like someone’s storage lockers. There is wire mesh over the front walls, and they are all decorated with pictures of people that have been cut out and taped all over.

Then my boyfriend wakes me up. I tell him about my dream and how weird it was. He laughs about how much fun George Takei is, and reminds me that it’s time for summer camp. I’d been sleeping in a bunk bed, so I climb down and run outside to the picnic tables where people are doing arts and crafts and eating hot dogs. At the table across from us, a camper has a carton of orange juice and a carton of Corona beer – it’s white with blue and yellow writing on it that clearly states that it’s full of beer. My friend Jenny, who was making a beaded animal at the time, says that he’s going to get in big trouble when the counselors find out.

Then I actually wake up in neither summer camp nor South Korea, and sadly devoid of parsley.

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the new plastic…

Comment by Amy E T

i really like that dream, especially Takei striking wacky poses behind you as you uncertainly hold the parsley. wonderful.

Comment by johann

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