I dream of dada

Dream Number 66: “…fun and wit were not in the air.”
March 12, 2009, 1:06 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , ,

Sharon dreamt on 3-3-09:


The setting is an amusement park, but without rides.  There were actors portraying celebrities that would never admit that they weren’t the people they were pretending to be.  Not really a Renaissance Festival vibe, as fun and wit were not in the air.  Visitors to the park were led through a series of oddly shaped “rooms,” each with its own group of “celebrities” acting out a scene.  Some of the scenes involved park visitors but others did not.  There were confrontations, but they didn’t seem like a big deal, unless they were happening to me. Continue reading

Dream Number 34: “the new girl has to go near the scary bear.”
February 20, 2009, 9:21 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , ,

Whitney dreamt on 2/16/09:

A circus act, I am up on stage- up high- I know i must get on a red and white stool thing with bouncy pads for us to stand on and bounce. All the pretty, sexy ladies know what they are doing on their stools up there. I am new at this, never done it before. First time. The white bear who is a real bear but somehow does not seem like a polar bear is front and center stage on a similar stool stand red thingy. I am instructed to go stand on the stool near the bear, because I am new so the new girl has to go near the scary bear. What is supposed to happen? What am I supposed to do, I wonder. Am I supposed to jump and go near the bear- who is now standing up and looking at me from his red stool bouncy thingy. Is he gonna eat me? Maul me? Hurt me? Is that the trick they are all waiting for? My outfit is tan shorts and a big tank top and everyone keeps telling me it is not sexy enough. Everyone else was wearing red sexy circus numbers. Next time I won’t be so new at this, I tell myself, and I will know the trick and I will have the matching outfit, next time- if there is a next time, if I am not the trick. Maybe next time I will know what is going on? Now I’m in the bleachers with the audience and my best friend from high school is a few rows ahead of me and my sister is a few seat over from me, but across the aisle. She’s sitting with her co-workers/ her staff- they are mad she forced them to come to the show. They leave to go shopping in a big city like New York.