I dream of dada

Dream Number 47: “the curtain moves to reveal …”
February 24, 2009, 7:25 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , ,

Bob sends us a recurring journey:

I’m traveling in a car in south Minneapolis, near lake Nokomis. Gradually things start to shift, the buildings become older, more electric poles appear, the surroundings become denser and more urban, the street patterns become more twisty and turny, and the streets themselves become narrower with the building closer to the sidewalks.

Then I’m no longer in a car but in a trolley car, and the environment is a old American city, circa 1900. The streets are teaming with people, fruit stalls abound, horses pulling carts in the streets. I get off the trolley and wade through the mud to the sidewalk. This is not a perfect recreation of a 1910 city, there are many inconsistencies: for instance there is a white bank building from the ’60’s; occasionally a 1955 Pontiac, like my dad owned, drives through the muck; some buildings wiggle, like hand drawn film animations. Continue reading