I dream of dada

Dream Number 73: “…none would meet my eyes and none could understand.”
March 17, 2009, 7:44 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , ,

Valerie writes:

I had a dream that I was in France at a grocery store. As I exited a random woman said something in French that I didn’t understand and placed her baby in my arms. Thinking she was coming back I waited on the corner for a while. She never came back. Time passed and I tried to make eye contact and speak to those around me – none would meet my eyes and none could understand. Suddenly I saw the time and knew I had to go. I couldn’t give the child to anyone else and so hopped on my bike and placed the child in the basket. I raced to the restaurant I was meeting someone at and standing outside the restaurant was the woman.

Dream Number 54: “If you get me the cookies I like, I will have sex with you.”
March 2, 2009, 7:18 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , ,

B. Marcy writes:

I’m standing in the middle of a hallway. It’s a hallway similar to a set out of the movie Toys staring Robin Williams. The floor is not flat but a rolling series of hills made of that fake grass used on mini golf courses. The walls are gray.

I turn and walking down the hall is my homecoming date from high school. She looks like a social repressed librarian dressed in a gray skirt with white Oxford cloth button down shirt and gray wool jacket: Black nylons and black shoes. She’s wearing her hair pulled back with heavy rimmed glasses sitting on the edge of her nose. Continue reading

Dream Number 41: “…i say something to her in perfect german.”
February 23, 2009, 10:21 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: ,

Johann writes:

i’m in china, only it’s what i imagine norway looks like. i live by the train-tracks and everyday i’m plagued by the “little people”. one day i’m inside one of the outposts that line the tracks. the floor is steeply slanted and i’m talking to a beautiful girl with curly black hair, olive skin and big glasses. we are kinda into each other. i can tell because she’s a bit combative, finding her sea-legs with me. then a friendly, german matriarch with a flushed face comes in and i say something to her in perfect german. she is delighted that i speak her mother tongue and replies to me in it. unfortunately for me, i don’t speak german. boy, was i embaressed.

the girl inside on the slanted floor. the little people clambering along the snow-banks outside. i never saw their faces.