I dream of dada

Dream Number 97: “She took a carving knife from the kitchen and went after the children…”
April 7, 2009, 6:14 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , ,

Michael writes:

I entered the cellar of an old mansion with a team of cat-burglar/specialists. We were there to find something out rather than to steal. I found a stack of old black and white crime scene photos on a work bench. Something horrible had happened here, and the photos that depicted the nightmare were left out in the open as if the events were just a natural part of this family’s story.

Six children had been savagely murdered by a teenage girl. She had killed them and then perched each of them atop a rocking horse. Continue reading

Dreams Number 88-92: “I was pressed between the sheets of a not soy based ink yet sofull of estrogen were the she males that my boobs crushed sideways”
April 3, 2009, 3:07 pm
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the friction between my yin and yang do not give off sparks the grindings are utterly corrupt the putrid wastes of veal remains for I am a young soul full of worms that give the robins red beasts in the spring like nipple clamps squeezing them out 7 hearts 2 brians hermaphridite lemmings lust for death in the hands of the boy wonder’s leotards the birds grab his feet and pull his legs off one pant at a time we are born through the composts of time out of the spandex and in to the fire in times like these you have bend over and pick your self up by the boot straps index fingers hooked in leather stumbling forward prime shank to be fucked or kicked the jocker’s dildo is shaped like a boot, and tastes like your initative. Continue reading

Dream Number 84: “She says this in the most horrifying cockney accent!”
March 27, 2009, 8:34 pm
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Cole sends us:

Inside a large house in the Edwardian era.

A little boy with knickers on and a bald head is playing when he hears someone crying in another part of the house.

He calls for his mother. She does not answer and the crying continues.

He runs up the stairs as fast as he can calling for his mother. As he is running up the stairs, he does not notice arms and legs made of glass strewn all over the stairs.

His mother is sitting in a chair in front of a mirror wearing a dress that she might have worn to a ball, and that might have been pretty once a long time ago. She is crying. Her face is hidden. Continue reading

Dream Number 82: “…to release from the gas at all is instantly slide back into other traffic…”
March 23, 2009, 9:51 pm
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Tony writes:


this dream happens in different settings. someitmes i am alone, sometimes with others.  most recently, alone, and in a city.  

i’m driving a car. suddenly, without warning. i am on a steep incline, about 75 degrees or more. very near to vertical.  i am panicked, but figure the only thing i can do is to floor it and ride it out. see what happens. Continue reading

Dreams Number 80 & 81: “the count sat on the pot and took me over his knee threatening that now he WOULD bite my butt”
March 23, 2009, 4:43 pm
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John writes:

Pick up pick up stop drop stop drop pin drop skin drip

The powder fly





Blue grey seven stories Continue reading

Dream Number 76: “It is sweet and right to die for your country.”
March 18, 2009, 7:22 pm
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It was a bright, warm day when the tornado sirens went off. They silenced only briefly while a voice announced there was no tornado, but Vladimir Putin had launched an attack; these were air raid sirens. I flicked on the television to see the news ticker flashing “SAN FRANCISCO IS FALLING DOWN” over an aerial view of the West coast, little more than a smoldering heap, with an endless band of warships pressing into its coast. A devastating 18 deaths, a newscaster reported. Continue reading

Dream Number 75: “It’s so cold and everything is covered in ice except for the rocks we are on.”
March 18, 2009, 6:56 pm
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Smidge sends us:

I am driving from Duluth to the Black Hills with a group of people. Parents and children driving together as families. This drive takes many, many days.

Prior to each day’s drive, there is a staged dance – the children leave the parents – the parents are left alone to dance – each day the dances get more and more intense and emotional for the parents.

I am in the director’s role. I am not participating in the dance – I have no children – but I am visible on the stage.

I can’t see an audience, but I know we are being watched.

In my car is my dear friend Edgar and his parents. Although, in the dream, his parents are my parents. Continue reading

Dream Number 74: “…her dress starched, her apron starched, her hair up in a bun…”
March 18, 2009, 4:00 pm
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last night i dreamed i was dropping my boys off at their dad’s house. when we entered the home it was like entering a reality warp. it was all ozzy and harriet inside. his girlfriend had soup on the stove and roast in the oven. the house was hotel lobby clean. her dress starched, her apron starched, her hair up in a bun, just a little to tight and high on her head. the soup pot had vegetables that were whole, and larger than usual sticking up over the rim of the pot. a bouquet of carrots, celery, kate greens, whole leeks and garlics, not really cooking down though there was steam rising around them. my kids dad, who was once my husband, was formal and polite as he greeted us and welcomed us into the house. the boys seemed to pass through this warp. upon entering the home their disheveled ways transformed into clean behind the ears, tidied up and buttoned down appearances. they sat quietly and only spoke when spoken to. I was grossly out of place in this environment. everything was unfamiliar, even my own kids. i felt lost and scared and woke trying to convince my children to leave with me.

Dream Number 73: “…none would meet my eyes and none could understand.”
March 17, 2009, 7:44 pm
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Valerie writes:

I had a dream that I was in France at a grocery store. As I exited a random woman said something in French that I didn’t understand and placed her baby in my arms. Thinking she was coming back I waited on the corner for a while. She never came back. Time passed and I tried to make eye contact and speak to those around me – none would meet my eyes and none could understand. Suddenly I saw the time and knew I had to go. I couldn’t give the child to anyone else and so hopped on my bike and placed the child in the basket. I raced to the restaurant I was meeting someone at and standing outside the restaurant was the woman.

Dream Number 67: “The ground began shaking so violently we all were losing our balance.”
March 12, 2009, 4:29 pm
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Jason writes:

I was in a vast green field playing soccer with a large group of people. It was a pretty and pastoral scene. The ground began shaking so violently we all were losing our balance. The horizon seemed shorter than normal and a group of huge black helicopters came over it and landed amidst our soccer field. Black-uniformed individuals akin to Nazis started marching around a giving orders. Rows of desks appeared and we were all being processed and catalogued in these long lines and then forced to sit in the desks.

Dream Number 65: “I’ll be forever known as the lit intern who couldn’t get her second course out”
March 12, 2009, 2:02 am
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Rachel writes:

I’m competing on Top Chef at the Guthrie. We’re catering a small dinner party in Tony Kushner’s honor and we have to make three courses and a dessert. I had just finished plating my appetizer when one of the chefs heads out with a big tray. It turns out that we have to bring our appetizers out ourselves, and I can’t carry all my plates. Everyone else is scrambling, and by the time I get over there, the only plate left is a tiny Tupperware container that won’t fit all my garnishes. So I grab what parts of the appetizers I can and cram them on there and run out. I make it out to the main floor, but when I look down, the egg roll things I made had somehow burned on their way out of the kitchen. Continue reading

Dream Number 61 & 62: “It’s the Vietnamese lady from my other dreams.”
March 6, 2009, 3:24 am
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Valerie sends us two dreams:

I’ve been invited to a big, semi-prestigous event and I’m excited. It’s held at a fancy hotel and seems to be something like a conference, run by a small group of people. Two of my brothers, I discover, are also at this conference.
Once the event begins and people are enjoying cocktails in the lobby area, the organizers announce that they have locked the doors and are planning to kill the participants, one by one. They will find us and let us know when our time slots are coming up. Continue reading

Dream Number 57: “…so he took me to the market and we bought many cows.”
March 4, 2009, 4:38 pm
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Angela writes:

I lived in the house I grew up in (it’s always a nightmare when I dream I live in Blaine) Suburbs full of Republican Whitey’s and everyone drives EVERYwhere they go even if it’s a couple blocks, theres no sidewalks. My husband was leaving me, I was very sad crying and crying and crying. I was going to have to get a roommate and I would never be able to leave to suburbs. I was being very pathetic about the husband leaving and begging him to stay for the kids and such. He wouldn’t budge. My brother was not pleased how pathetic I was being so he took me to the market and we bought many cows. I decided to raise them all over my yard in the city of Blaine. Continue reading

Dream Number 55: “…an iron and wine song about killing mice in the bath tub…”
March 3, 2009, 4:55 pm
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Rachel writes:

I’m in the bathroom of my grandmother’s house, trying to kill all the mice that have moved in there. It looks empty, but apparently you can’t put down a bowl without catching several mice, so I’m doing just that. I put down a bowl in the empty bathtub and suddenly it’s full of tiny mice scratching around and trying to get out. So, I pour them into a paper bag at my side, and keep scooping them out. Inspired by what was apparently an iron and wine song about killing mice in the bath tub (it started playing in my mind and I thought it’d be a great idea), I take the little mice out and throw them against the tiled wall. They leave red smears of blood where they hit. Continue reading

Dream Number 53: Soozin’s EPIC DREAM
March 2, 2009, 7:02 pm
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Soozin sends us the following EPIC DREAM:

Once a long time ago … I had the following dream … it always seemed kind of epic…but, has stuck with me for years….. and seems like something that might make a good puppet show….

In the Dream… somehow it had been reported that the end of the world was coming there were going to be these huge floods… and everyone was told to head for higher ground… for some reason I was traveling on my own and heading for higher ground…. but, along the way I came upon a school … and was tired from walking for some reason I didn’t have a car… so I stopped at the school to see if I could rest… there was only one teacher there and lots of kids….. the teacher told me she was staying with all the kids whose parents had abandoned them…. she knew the flood was coming …. but, could not leave all of the kids… the kids didn’t know the end of the world was coming…. they were running around a screaming and playing and doing all the things kids do…. some where in our conversation she asked me if I was planing to stay….. i told her no I had to keep going …. i just needed to rest… i thanked her for the food… and the rest and said i needed to keep walking…… before i left she asked me if i would do her a favor…. she said she had two very special children and she asked me if i would take them with me …. she said they were special and they should come with me…. i think in the dream …. i thought … she thought they should go to saftey to higher ground…. so I agreed to take them … they were very little maybe 2 and 3 years old…. Continue reading

February 24, 2009, 7:19 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , , ,

Tera sends us the following two dreams:

about 6 months away from home in MPLS, and into art school in San Francisco i started having very vivid dreams. I dreamt I was on a very high bridge, (not unlike something halfway between the train bridge that crosses the river parkway, and the golden gate bridge). There were cars travelling on the bridge, and I was standing on it. It was an opaque night, and i felt I was almost standing in the sky. The moon was high and full. It was a long way down to water below. I remember having an sudden pang of sensation of both awe, excitement and fear as I suddenly realized ‘THE MOON IS GOING TO CRASH INTO THIS BRIDGE.’ Continue reading

Dream Number 40: “…every time I try to yell it comes out as a hoarse whisper.”
February 21, 2009, 7:46 pm
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Max writes in:

This is an oldie, and more of the recurring nightmare type.

In this nightmare I’m going into someplace dark. Not so dark that I can’t see, but still pretty dark. It turns out to be an old basement with lots of dusty boxes stacked up with cobwebs everywhere. I’m feeling fine until I hear something coming towards me. I see that it is a bunch of rats and try to run away, but I find that it’s as if I’m running through water, and no matter how much I try to push myself I can’t go faster than a slow jog. As I’m running my eyes start to involuntarily close; I try to hold them open, and look back at the rats, but they just keep on closing, until I am fumbling about on hands and knees with my eyes only open as slits. I try to call for help, because I know that there are people in the lighted rooms above, but every time I try to yell it comes out as a hoarse whisper. I keep on scrambling towards the stairs, but know that the rats are going to catch me. The rats make non noise except for shrieks that sound like a fainter and more terrible version of my hoarse whisper. Eventually I wake up and paranoidly look about the room.

Dream Number 39: “…everything toxic, water and sludge.”
February 21, 2009, 7:42 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , ,

This was sent to a friend of the blog by one of her friends, I contacted the original dreamer and he was kind enough to let us put this up.

I had this terrifying dream last night. Humans were being held captive in these crazy cells as far as the eye can see, bright colors everything toxic, water and sludge, i escaped, and was trying to free the women in your family. lots of chasing, sharp blades and blunt red objects. and the funniest part is A-rod, this famous baseball player who is being charged with using steroids was the leader in charge of the army that was hunting me down.

Dream Number 25: “He looks at me with cool, uncaring eyes.”
February 19, 2009, 8:09 pm
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Jason sends us the following:

I am in the Vietnamese jungle, being chased by Vietcong. I am out of ammo and scared, so I hide in a bush. I see many Vietcong pass me by, but my tension builds. Then, one soldier parts the bushes away and sees me. he thrusts a bayonet into my chest. ( I do not wake-up ) . I gasp and watch as pushes the blade further in. He looks at me with cool, uncaring eyes. I barely make a sound. then i woke up.

Dream Number 21: ” I watched in horror as one of the buildings crumbled to the ground”
February 19, 2009, 7:02 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , ,

Jason recalls this prescient dream:

This dream woke me up at 5am several years ago.

I was in an urban area and everything was more or less gray. There were two buildings and I knew that everyone had to get out of them but I didn’t know why. I went into one building and then the other but not only would no one listen to me, it’s like they couldn’t see or hear me. I was getting more and more frantic and desperate. Suddenly I was far away from the buildings, as if instantly teleported. In my mind’s eye I became aware of this man and I knew that when he opened his mouth something terrible was going to happen. With a maniacal grin he opened his mouth and I could see a vibrational pattern come out of it. I watched in horror as one of the buildings crumbled to the ground. I was screaming at the man to stop but he opened his mouth again and the second building crumbled. That’s when I woke up.

After falling back asleep I woke up again hearing George Bush’s voice on a radio outside talking about a terrorist attack, it was September 11th, 2001.