I dream of dada

Dream Number 96: A dream for tax season
April 7, 2009, 6:09 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , ,

Ben writes:

I was at my parents’ home—I don’t know if I was just visiting, or living there in the dream. My father informs me, quite somber, that he had found out that his close friend, who is also the father of one of my closest friends from high school, had been evading taxes, and after a lot of thought on the matter, he had decided to call the IRS to inform them. His friend had been hauled off to jail. I am shocked that this man who I’ve known all my life, would do such a thing. Later, I am hanging out with the same friend of mine, his daughter, and it’s exceedingly awkward. Continue reading

Dream Number 86: “A number of employees are at the altar interacting in a team building exercise.”
April 3, 2009, 2:55 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , , , , ,

Lisa writes:

I am at my best friend’s wedding. Her father is a wealthy, well-known businessman, and somewhat domineering as well. He has decided that since he’s paying for the wedding (or maybe his company is, I’m not sure), he’s going to use it to benefit his company as well. It is being run as a media event promoting the company (with a cadre of press in a roped-off area), and as a sort of company morale event as well. A number of employees are at the altar interacting in a team building exercise. Continue reading

Dream Number 51: “Does the IRS Need to Know?”
February 26, 2009, 6:19 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: ,

Gerald writes:

I dreamed that I arrived home from my pizza delivery job, and took from my pocket what I thought was a ten dollar bill, but what turned out to be a $100,000 bill. The thoughts that simultaneously went through my head were:

– someone tipped me $100,000?!
– am I supposed to tell my boss?
– does the IRS need to know?
– if live cheap, I’ll never need to work again!
– wait a minute, a $100,000 bill?

Afterwards I was at some indoor amusement park where the ride was a really fast escalator that alternated doing up and down. In order for the ride to work, they gave out pharmaceuticals called Uterall (pronounced YOU-ter-all). We were informed that prescriptions were unnecessary because the pills were purchased abroad.