I dream of dada

Dream Number 96: A dream for tax season
April 7, 2009, 6:09 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , ,

Ben writes:

I was at my parents’ home—I don’t know if I was just visiting, or living there in the dream. My father informs me, quite somber, that he had found out that his close friend, who is also the father of one of my closest friends from high school, had been evading taxes, and after a lot of thought on the matter, he had decided to call the IRS to inform them. His friend had been hauled off to jail. I am shocked that this man who I’ve known all my life, would do such a thing. Later, I am hanging out with the same friend of mine, his daughter, and it’s exceedingly awkward. Continue reading

Dream Number 65: “I’ll be forever known as the lit intern who couldn’t get her second course out”
March 12, 2009, 2:02 am
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , , , ,

Rachel writes:

I’m competing on Top Chef at the Guthrie. We’re catering a small dinner party in Tony Kushner’s honor and we have to make three courses and a dessert. I had just finished plating my appetizer when one of the chefs heads out with a big tray. It turns out that we have to bring our appetizers out ourselves, and I can’t carry all my plates. Everyone else is scrambling, and by the time I get over there, the only plate left is a tiny Tupperware container that won’t fit all my garnishes. So I grab what parts of the appetizers I can and cram them on there and run out. I make it out to the main floor, but when I look down, the egg roll things I made had somehow burned on their way out of the kitchen. Continue reading

Dream Number 35: “In walks the executioner. It is John Belushi.”
February 20, 2009, 9:25 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , ,

Gina dreamt this while sleeping in a hospital waiting room:

Seated in a room of hard high-back wooden chairs placed against three walls – one next to the other – with one chair front and center. Hanging above each chair is its own private noose which can be lowered or raised and which can move forward or backward by a mechanism on the wall in the front of the room.
Light bulbs, and not fluorescent lights, make the room seem smaller – but it could also be that my vision is limited, for I am seated in the chair that is front and center.
I don’t know why I am there, just that I seem to understand something quite deeply. (Perhaps I am relying on fate, believing in fate, accepting whatever fate offers me, I am not sure which, perhaps all three). Continue reading

Dream Number 27: “All the babies were tiny, like little mice or even baby mice.”
February 19, 2009, 8:18 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: ,

Reema writes:

I dreamt that I went to the house of a friend and she had just had several babies. All the babies were tiny, like little mice or even baby mice. And one of the babies was lost and no one seemed very concerned, but I was very anxious about it. I was very worried that if the tiny baby was not found and died, it would really smell bad.