I dream of dada

Dreams Number 14-18: Dream Haikus
February 18, 2009, 7:43 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , ,

[So, we’ve gotten a few wonderful dream submissions that are in the form of very short, simple, almost zen-like images–I like to call these “dream haikus.” I’ve added some formatting for effect.]

Dianne writes that she was creeped out by the following dream:

Someone kept trying
to get me to hold a little baby
but it had a full set of teeth.

Sam dreamt:

I had a dream my eyebrows turned dark
and grew out to the sides of my head,
and no one had a tweezers.

Loren sends us these two:

I was taking the train to Uganda,
but I accidently go off in Japan.
It was okay, I just got on going in the opposite direction.

Before the election,
I dreamt I saw Obama in a rocky clearing,
fighting a bear. He won.