I dream of dada

Dream Number 94: “He was reaching for a word, and I knew the one he needed.”
April 6, 2009, 6:01 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , ,

Michael writes:

Steve Vai came to me in a dream last summer with an important
metaphysical lesson.

I was attending his guitar masterclass. Somehow he lapsed into the
topic of global politics and social issues with a very heart-oriented
world view. This became his main focus while some of the students in
the class noodled on their guitars. I sat with my guitar and was
engaged by what he was saying. Continue reading

Dream Number 85: “I felt time speed up or at least it felt like days went by.”
March 27, 2009, 9:46 pm
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Katherine writes:

I dreamt last night that I was dreaming (yes, a dream within a dream) that I was in the house that I grew up in, and I walked into my father’s study. he was sitting there at his desk, and I came up to him and gave him a hug and told him I loved him so much. And he told me he loved me a lot. And then we just kept hugging, and I felt time speed up or at least it felt like days went by. Continue reading

Dream Number 82: “…to release from the gas at all is instantly slide back into other traffic…”
March 23, 2009, 9:51 pm
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Tony writes:


this dream happens in different settings. someitmes i am alone, sometimes with others.  most recently, alone, and in a city.  

i’m driving a car. suddenly, without warning. i am on a steep incline, about 75 degrees or more. very near to vertical.  i am panicked, but figure the only thing i can do is to floor it and ride it out. see what happens. Continue reading

Dream Number 78: “The Should Theory”
March 23, 2009, 4:30 pm
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Karen writes:

I was in a typing class when I suddenly found myself floating about the room watching all of these people frantically typing away.I remembered that typing or the motion of tapping one’s finger tips is supposed to be great for the memory.I continued floating around the room,weaving by their keyboards, completely fascinated by these typists and I had the thought “Wow! Typists are the most enlightened people!” Continue reading

Dream Number 77: “The Nightmare has Been Broken”
March 18, 2009, 9:43 pm
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Alberta writes:

Again, I am in front of the mirror, my teeth loose. I wiggle them with my fingers, mouth wide. One falls out and clinks into the sink, a front tooth. Then another. Again, I am upset. This is a reminder of my own mortality, and I am frightened. (But then…something breaks the cycle of re occurring toothloss dreams:)
Suddenly, I reach into my mouth and pull out all my teeth in my bottom jaw, all at once, like they are a set of dentures, but they’re not, they’re mine- and bebeath them, amazingly, there are fresh, white, beautiful new teeth, in rows of three like a shark. I am delighted. I am relieved. I am ecstatic. The nightmare has been broken.

Dream Number 73: “…none would meet my eyes and none could understand.”
March 17, 2009, 7:44 pm
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Valerie writes:

I had a dream that I was in France at a grocery store. As I exited a random woman said something in French that I didn’t understand and placed her baby in my arms. Thinking she was coming back I waited on the corner for a while. She never came back. Time passed and I tried to make eye contact and speak to those around me – none would meet my eyes and none could understand. Suddenly I saw the time and knew I had to go. I couldn’t give the child to anyone else and so hopped on my bike and placed the child in the basket. I raced to the restaurant I was meeting someone at and standing outside the restaurant was the woman.

Dream Number 58: “…we lived in the cabin sometimes and rode back and forth on the caboose…”
March 4, 2009, 4:43 pm
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Whitney dreamt on 3/28/08:

There was a neat little story- almost like a story book I was in, like the Frog and Toad books. I think I was a frog or some swamp creature. And my best friend was there, a toad or some swamp creature. The water was dirty, dark green sludge. We were having fun. Then the water was moving & I was very frightened. Then my friend was friends with the BIG SCARY CREATURE coming out of the swamp. Continue reading

Dream Number 48: “i don’t want to be with this man”
February 24, 2009, 7:48 pm
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a few months ago i dreamt of my ex-boyfriend from three years before who i’ve had such a hard time getting out of my system (finally seeming out) the dream occured after hearing his name or something- no big trigger

we are standing in the yard filled with plants, mostly bamboo, but there is no house. we speak pleasantly about gardening and tree placement. the neighbor has mexican liquor in square blue bottles- maybe he is mexican also. it is warm and breezy and we’re laughing and i say to myself: “what am i doing here? i don’t want to live here- i don’t want to be with this man” and i smile and drift away

Dream Number 28: “The air from the open windows interacted.”
February 19, 2009, 8:36 pm
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On her first night home from the hospital, the Mr. walked inside with Mrs. and the baby in tow, and he went through and opened all the windows. The Mrs. held the baby close to her breast. The air from the open windows interacted. It got so strong it was rearranging furniture and twisting up the carpet under Mrs. feet.

The baby in her arms lifted up her head in that living room and her eyes found and fixated on the swinging (cluck) of the grandfather clock. Back and forth this long arm went, to and fro and side to side, while the baby slept it’s first sleep wide awake, watching the winds of time set sail.

Dream Number 24: “the color is persistent and gentle and rather convincing”
February 19, 2009, 8:06 pm
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I am surrounded by color, held really, in a bed or nest of color. Oranges and reds and yellows. Burnt and brick and brownish. All around, pressing me,caressing me, on me. Defining my shape and size. Getting tangled in my hair. Some of the color is light, translucent shifting in brightness. Alive. I am floating in it, completely buoyant. Some of the color is solid, unchanging. opaque. Wrapping and swirling around my legs and arms. It is soft, warm and comforting and silky and smooth. Like ribbons, it feels nice. I am suspended and supported in these colors, textures and light. Then color wants to penetrate me. I am reluctant …as I have never had this sort of experience before with color, unsure how it would work, technically… the color is persistent and gentle and rather convincing. Soon I am burnt orange, red, smooth, warm, translucent all around and deep inside too. I awaken in wonder and gratitude, still aroused.

Dream Number 5: “In his hand were some birds”
February 16, 2009, 11:00 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , ,

Gina writes:

Ann asks me to come into a room. There is a sick boy wheezing, dying. I stood for a moment and then almost approached him, but sat down instead. I heard Ann say, “There’s nothing that can be done.” He was wheezing and breathing with such difficulty. I couldn’t believe there wasn’t anything we could do. 

In his hand were some birds. They talked a lot, chirped constantly, and I saw them picking at some white things also in his hand. I watched this boy with such awe, in such pain, I remember Ann kept saying, “It’s almost over…” 

But then I saw something happen. The white pieces in his hand suddenly turned into baby birds. They didn’t hatch from little eggs. We watched and noticed the beautiful sounds coming from these new birds. The boy was fascinated and surprised. The white pieces in his hand originally were pieces of onion. Suddenly we noticed that he wasn’t wheezing anymore and he was sitting up in bed, then standing before us. The birds flew up and out of the room.  Continue reading