I dream of dada

Dream Number 76: “It is sweet and right to die for your country.”
March 18, 2009, 7:22 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , ,

It was a bright, warm day when the tornado sirens went off. They silenced only briefly while a voice announced there was no tornado, but Vladimir Putin had launched an attack; these were air raid sirens. I flicked on the television to see the news ticker flashing “SAN FRANCISCO IS FALLING DOWN” over an aerial view of the West coast, little more than a smoldering heap, with an endless band of warships pressing into its coast. A devastating 18 deaths, a newscaster reported. Continue reading

Dream 60: “I don’t know if it is the end of the world or not, but I wanted to call you just in case.”
March 4, 2009, 4:54 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: ,

George writes:

There was more to this dream, but I only remember the end…or parts of the end…I was somewhere living with my ex-girlfriend. I don’t know where. We were not in Michigan, even though we are both from there. It was a two story house. There was snow outside, but it didn’t seem like it was cold. It actually seemed somehow like the south. We were renting the house from an older woman, who I think was from Kentucky, but I still couldn’t say that we were in Kentucky. We were watching the SuperBowl, and the Detroit Lions were playing. They actually won the SuperBowl…as they scored the winning point, the TV announcer suddenly started saying, “It’s the end of the world! It’s the end of the world!” And the fans at the stadium started going crazy and there were these explosions on the TV. I went outside to have a look, and I called my mom at the same time. I told her, “I don’t know if it is the end of the world or not, but I wanted to call you just in case.” Continue reading

Dream Number 53: Soozin’s EPIC DREAM
March 2, 2009, 7:02 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , , ,

Soozin sends us the following EPIC DREAM:

Once a long time ago … I had the following dream … it always seemed kind of epic…but, has stuck with me for years….. and seems like something that might make a good puppet show….

In the Dream… somehow it had been reported that the end of the world was coming there were going to be these huge floods… and everyone was told to head for higher ground… for some reason I was traveling on my own and heading for higher ground…. but, along the way I came upon a school … and was tired from walking for some reason I didn’t have a car… so I stopped at the school to see if I could rest… there was only one teacher there and lots of kids….. the teacher told me she was staying with all the kids whose parents had abandoned them…. she knew the flood was coming …. but, could not leave all of the kids… the kids didn’t know the end of the world was coming…. they were running around a screaming and playing and doing all the things kids do…. some where in our conversation she asked me if I was planing to stay….. i told her no I had to keep going …. i just needed to rest… i thanked her for the food… and the rest and said i needed to keep walking…… before i left she asked me if i would do her a favor…. she said she had two very special children and she asked me if i would take them with me …. she said they were special and they should come with me…. i think in the dream …. i thought … she thought they should go to saftey to higher ground…. so I agreed to take them … they were very little maybe 2 and 3 years old…. Continue reading