I dream of dada

Dream Number 48: “i don’t want to be with this man”
February 24, 2009, 7:48 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: ,

a few months ago i dreamt of my ex-boyfriend from three years before who i’ve had such a hard time getting out of my system (finally seeming out) the dream occured after hearing his name or something- no big trigger

we are standing in the yard filled with plants, mostly bamboo, but there is no house. we speak pleasantly about gardening and tree placement. the neighbor has mexican liquor in square blue bottles- maybe he is mexican also. it is warm and breezy and we’re laughing and i say to myself: “what am i doing here? i don’t want to live here- i don’t want to be with this man” and i smile and drift away

Dream Number 44: “she can command plants to wrap around her.”
February 23, 2009, 11:01 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , , , ,

Max writes:

The dream begins with me wandering through post-apocalyptic NYC- nobody’s around, all the buildings are ruined and dark, and it’s a very cloudy night out. I go inside the building that I live in, chat with some of the people around, and notice everyone looking hungrily at this one blond girl. It turns out that we are all vampires and she used to be one, but is now human. Of course we have to control ourselves, as there are very few humans left to feed on. I don’t think I can handle it, so I tear out of the room in a quasi werewolf form and head to the roof. Continue reading

Dream Number 4: “he didn’t even know her.”
February 15, 2009, 6:10 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , ,

I dreamed my long term boyfriend left me for a woman he’d just met. A pregnant woman he’d just met. Because he felt sorry for her. He was going to go to law school in some big city and fulfill all his dreams, but instead, he was just going to move to a town in the middle of nowhere and take care of this other woman. His friends and his family told him not to, that he was crazy, but he told them that she was worth it and completely severed all contact with anyone who had ever been important to him before. And the worst part was that I couldn’t stop following him. I followed him to this po-dunk town, which looked like something out of Dr Suess with huge spiralling towers and bulging staircases and just followed them. I finally met her, and she wasn’t that attractive, or smart, or funny, but I just couldn’t bring myself to hate her. There was something about her that made me completely incapable of anger. So I just kept following them through this Dr. Suess city until I lost them.

When I woke up, I was so angry at my boyfriend, I couldn’t speak to him all day.

Dream Number 2: “Just me, my girlfriend, and Sarah Michelle Gellar”
February 14, 2009, 7:01 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: ,

Max writes:

The dream starts with me at a small party in my house- just me, my girlfriend, another female friend, and Sarah Michelle Gellar (who is apparently a good friend of my girlfriend). I can’t remember her name, so I keep on calling her Buffy. Eventually I feel kind of tired, so we all head down to my bed to sleep. There is some tension around who gets to sleep in what order on the bed, but eventually everything is worked out. The next bit is a blur, but for some reason I have gone missing and Sarah is determined to find me. She searches for me for several years and eventually becomes a maid in the White House, wearing a french maid outfit. She convinces Teddy Roosevelt to search for me and tell her where I am, though he is reluctant to do so at first. He then jumps into Marine 1 and flies away. It turns out that I am in the mall at my hometown, except it’s got wierd shops, half of which are boarded up. I’m strolling up and down the mall looking for my laboratory (I’m a fugitive scientist, apparently), as well as for a comic book. Sarah and my girlfriend find me outside a store with big glass windows that has a fully set thanksgiving dinner on it. The rest of the mall is pretty dark, with pretty much the only light coming from the candles on the table. We go in, pay the store owner and sit down to a thanksgiving meal, during which Sarah dissapears/ turns into my female friend from the beginning of the dream.