I dream of dada

Dream Number 42: “She leaves no boot prints.”
February 23, 2009, 10:37 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , ,

B. Marcy sends the following dream:

(Please note that “Alice Radcliff is not the actual name of the individual in the dream)

I see Alice Radcliff walking in the snow. She’s wearing a vanilla scarf in an expensive grey overcoat with large buttons that extends down to her knees. Below it are dark navy jeans, which lead down to black boots. The fashioned look is topped with a Golden Gopher stocking cap. She moves at an even pace: not in haste, not slow. Her hands are shoved in her coat pockets close to her body.

The snow is lightly falling but the surroundings are black. There is no setting or horizon. The snow does not come down from clouds but rather appears out of the blackness. There is no source of light: only illumination. Only Alice Radcliff and the snow, falling and on the ground, can be seen.

My view keeps with her pace moving along side of her. The view is focused only on her. She does not see me or I am not there. Continue reading