I dream of dada

Dream Number 77: “The Nightmare has Been Broken”
March 18, 2009, 9:43 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , ,

Alberta writes:

Again, I am in front of the mirror, my teeth loose. I wiggle them with my fingers, mouth wide. One falls out and clinks into the sink, a front tooth. Then another. Again, I am upset. This is a reminder of my own mortality, and I am frightened. (But then…something breaks the cycle of re occurring toothloss dreams:)
Suddenly, I reach into my mouth and pull out all my teeth in my bottom jaw, all at once, like they are a set of dentures, but they’re not, they’re mine- and bebeath them, amazingly, there are fresh, white, beautiful new teeth, in rows of three like a shark. I am delighted. I am relieved. I am ecstatic. The nightmare has been broken.