I dream of dada

Dream Number 51: “Does the IRS Need to Know?”
February 26, 2009, 6:19 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: ,

Gerald writes:

I dreamed that I arrived home from my pizza delivery job, and took from my pocket what I thought was a ten dollar bill, but what turned out to be a $100,000 bill. The thoughts that simultaneously went through my head were:

– someone tipped me $100,000?!
– am I supposed to tell my boss?
– does the IRS need to know?
– if live cheap, I’ll never need to work again!
– wait a minute, a $100,000 bill?

Afterwards I was at some indoor amusement park where the ride was a really fast escalator that alternated doing up and down. In order for the ride to work, they gave out pharmaceuticals called Uterall (pronounced YOU-ter-all). We were informed that prescriptions were unnecessary because the pills were purchased abroad.