I dream of dada

Dream Number 98: “her belly is vibrating like a speaker”
April 15, 2009, 5:44 am
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: ,

sleeping in the top bunk inside a yurt at nehalem bay i have another dream of a house with odd doors and passageways and corners including a cellar stairway with some sort of bubbly glass shower door rigged across it with inner tubes and baling wire- someone opens it for me and i feel delighted- special! Continue reading

Dream Number 97: “She took a carving knife from the kitchen and went after the children…”
April 7, 2009, 6:14 pm
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Michael writes:

I entered the cellar of an old mansion with a team of cat-burglar/specialists. We were there to find something out rather than to steal. I found a stack of old black and white crime scene photos on a work bench. Something horrible had happened here, and the photos that depicted the nightmare were left out in the open as if the events were just a natural part of this family’s story.

Six children had been savagely murdered by a teenage girl. She had killed them and then perched each of them atop a rocking horse. Continue reading

Dream Number 96: A dream for tax season
April 7, 2009, 6:09 pm
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Ben writes:

I was at my parents’ home—I don’t know if I was just visiting, or living there in the dream. My father informs me, quite somber, that he had found out that his close friend, who is also the father of one of my closest friends from high school, had been evading taxes, and after a lot of thought on the matter, he had decided to call the IRS to inform them. His friend had been hauled off to jail. I am shocked that this man who I’ve known all my life, would do such a thing. Later, I am hanging out with the same friend of mine, his daughter, and it’s exceedingly awkward. Continue reading

Dream Number 95: “…i told myself to just float over there and then i jumped and glided a few times over there.”
April 7, 2009, 6:03 pm
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Wyatt writes:

i had a dream while sleeping on the green couches in rarig. in my dream, i was awakened by mark rehani dressed as richard simmons, jogging in place. he greeted me briefly and ran off, as i began walking through rarig which had become a strange underground maze of locker lined walls. eventually i found my locker, out of which i took a wooden, silver painted sword that kept getting longer everytime i looked away from it. i got onto a bus that ran through the rarig basement, but everytime it pulled over it would pull right to the wall so it was impossible to get off. Continue reading

Dream Number 94: “He was reaching for a word, and I knew the one he needed.”
April 6, 2009, 6:01 pm
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Michael writes:

Steve Vai came to me in a dream last summer with an important
metaphysical lesson.

I was attending his guitar masterclass. Somehow he lapsed into the
topic of global politics and social issues with a very heart-oriented
world view. This became his main focus while some of the students in
the class noodled on their guitars. I sat with my guitar and was
engaged by what he was saying. Continue reading

Dream Number 93: “somehow the maze always ends up with at open empty stage…”
April 6, 2009, 4:30 pm
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Soozin writes:

i am in a maze…. i had this dream several times… where i am in a maze and keep following the path in the maze the walls are very high there are really long tunnels that are not very well lit…. I do not know where the maze is going…but, I keep following along… because I can see a light and keep hoping if I follow i will get out of the maze… somehow the maze always ends up with at open empty stage…. and me standing there…. for awhile i had this dream and when I got to the stage I turned around and went back through the maze or woke up from the dream… but, one day I remember… I walked across the stage… and went behind these huge velvet curtians… after that I never had the dream again…. NEVER….

Dreams Number 88-92: “I was pressed between the sheets of a not soy based ink yet sofull of estrogen were the she males that my boobs crushed sideways”
April 3, 2009, 3:07 pm
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the friction between my yin and yang do not give off sparks the grindings are utterly corrupt the putrid wastes of veal remains for I am a young soul full of worms that give the robins red beasts in the spring like nipple clamps squeezing them out 7 hearts 2 brians hermaphridite lemmings lust for death in the hands of the boy wonder’s leotards the birds grab his feet and pull his legs off one pant at a time we are born through the composts of time out of the spandex and in to the fire in times like these you have bend over and pick your self up by the boot straps index fingers hooked in leather stumbling forward prime shank to be fucked or kicked the jocker’s dildo is shaped like a boot, and tastes like your initative. Continue reading

Dream Number 87: “It was the fucking president of the US and I had made him grab a chair, he must have thought I was an ass.”
April 3, 2009, 3:00 pm
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Chris writes:

So I had died, don’t know how, but I was sitting in the lobby of an office tower which unbeknownst to me was purgatory. I hadn’t really realized I had died until the receptionist and some others came up and told me I had died and they were going to take me to heaven. “Ah” I thought, “so thats why I’m here.” As they were leading me to an elevator an evil me appeared dressed all in red with little horns and a tail trying to beckon me to another elevator, saying how much fun it would be etc. Well, I saw right through it of course, the red with the horns and tail, that was so predictable did anybody actually fall for that anymore? So I went with the angels and we took the elevator up to the third floor, a floor just like any office floor where I would spend the rest of eternity in front of a computer doing heaven’s work, which I assumed meant I was doing good in the world, I didn’t really know. Continue reading

Dream Number 86: “A number of employees are at the altar interacting in a team building exercise.”
April 3, 2009, 2:55 pm
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Lisa writes:

I am at my best friend’s wedding. Her father is a wealthy, well-known businessman, and somewhat domineering as well. He has decided that since he’s paying for the wedding (or maybe his company is, I’m not sure), he’s going to use it to benefit his company as well. It is being run as a media event promoting the company (with a cadre of press in a roped-off area), and as a sort of company morale event as well. A number of employees are at the altar interacting in a team building exercise. Continue reading

Dream Number 85: “I felt time speed up or at least it felt like days went by.”
March 27, 2009, 9:46 pm
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Katherine writes:

I dreamt last night that I was dreaming (yes, a dream within a dream) that I was in the house that I grew up in, and I walked into my father’s study. he was sitting there at his desk, and I came up to him and gave him a hug and told him I loved him so much. And he told me he loved me a lot. And then we just kept hugging, and I felt time speed up or at least it felt like days went by. Continue reading

Dream Number 84: “She says this in the most horrifying cockney accent!”
March 27, 2009, 8:34 pm
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Cole sends us:

Inside a large house in the Edwardian era.

A little boy with knickers on and a bald head is playing when he hears someone crying in another part of the house.

He calls for his mother. She does not answer and the crying continues.

He runs up the stairs as fast as he can calling for his mother. As he is running up the stairs, he does not notice arms and legs made of glass strewn all over the stairs.

His mother is sitting in a chair in front of a mirror wearing a dress that she might have worn to a ball, and that might have been pretty once a long time ago. She is crying. Her face is hidden. Continue reading

Dream Number 83: “oh shit – my rainbow pumps!”
March 23, 2009, 10:00 pm
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John writes:

parked in an old station wagon by an airport or mall the station wagon has opaque windows as though covered with paper. someones with me, Alex? outside there keeps being skirmishes, arguments, little fights I wonder if I should intervene until finally someone’s shooting, “don’t kill him – just put his eyes out – c’mon” and finally I climb on top of the station wagon and can only see the guy swinging the hammer and add to the clamor “seriously, don’t kill him, not here, not on the sidewalk, its ok” before its over I’m driving in a van, someone with me, this time its Alex, suddenly he double-takes “oh shit – my rainbow pumps! Continue reading

Dream Number 82: “…to release from the gas at all is instantly slide back into other traffic…”
March 23, 2009, 9:51 pm
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Tony writes:


this dream happens in different settings. someitmes i am alone, sometimes with others.  most recently, alone, and in a city.  

i’m driving a car. suddenly, without warning. i am on a steep incline, about 75 degrees or more. very near to vertical.  i am panicked, but figure the only thing i can do is to floor it and ride it out. see what happens. Continue reading

Dreams Number 80 & 81: “the count sat on the pot and took me over his knee threatening that now he WOULD bite my butt”
March 23, 2009, 4:43 pm
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John writes:

Pick up pick up stop drop stop drop pin drop skin drip

The powder fly





Blue grey seven stories Continue reading

Dream Number 79: “Your planet is our Petri dish.”
March 23, 2009, 4:34 pm
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Michael writes:

Last night I had a dream that I was attending a Bedlam show. It was a preview that was the last dress rehearsal before the opening night. The show was in the year 2012 and the plot centered on a staged ET invasion orchestrated by the U.S. government that was thwarted by a real alien invasion.

I was sitting in the front row and at a point early on in the production there was an awkward silence. I looked around to see Maren Ward off to the side looking at me like “what the fuck are you doing?” I had the feeling that I should do something so I quickly ran back stage and started to push a giant Julian McFaul designed alien puppet on stage. Continue reading

Dream Number 78: “The Should Theory”
March 23, 2009, 4:30 pm
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Karen writes:

I was in a typing class when I suddenly found myself floating about the room watching all of these people frantically typing away.I remembered that typing or the motion of tapping one’s finger tips is supposed to be great for the memory.I continued floating around the room,weaving by their keyboards, completely fascinated by these typists and I had the thought “Wow! Typists are the most enlightened people!” Continue reading

Dream Number 77: “The Nightmare has Been Broken”
March 18, 2009, 9:43 pm
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Alberta writes:

Again, I am in front of the mirror, my teeth loose. I wiggle them with my fingers, mouth wide. One falls out and clinks into the sink, a front tooth. Then another. Again, I am upset. This is a reminder of my own mortality, and I am frightened. (But then…something breaks the cycle of re occurring toothloss dreams:)
Suddenly, I reach into my mouth and pull out all my teeth in my bottom jaw, all at once, like they are a set of dentures, but they’re not, they’re mine- and bebeath them, amazingly, there are fresh, white, beautiful new teeth, in rows of three like a shark. I am delighted. I am relieved. I am ecstatic. The nightmare has been broken.

Dream Number 76: “It is sweet and right to die for your country.”
March 18, 2009, 7:22 pm
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It was a bright, warm day when the tornado sirens went off. They silenced only briefly while a voice announced there was no tornado, but Vladimir Putin had launched an attack; these were air raid sirens. I flicked on the television to see the news ticker flashing “SAN FRANCISCO IS FALLING DOWN” over an aerial view of the West coast, little more than a smoldering heap, with an endless band of warships pressing into its coast. A devastating 18 deaths, a newscaster reported. Continue reading

Dream Number 75: “It’s so cold and everything is covered in ice except for the rocks we are on.”
March 18, 2009, 6:56 pm
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Smidge sends us:

I am driving from Duluth to the Black Hills with a group of people. Parents and children driving together as families. This drive takes many, many days.

Prior to each day’s drive, there is a staged dance – the children leave the parents – the parents are left alone to dance – each day the dances get more and more intense and emotional for the parents.

I am in the director’s role. I am not participating in the dance – I have no children – but I am visible on the stage.

I can’t see an audience, but I know we are being watched.

In my car is my dear friend Edgar and his parents. Although, in the dream, his parents are my parents. Continue reading

Dream Number 74: “…her dress starched, her apron starched, her hair up in a bun…”
March 18, 2009, 4:00 pm
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last night i dreamed i was dropping my boys off at their dad’s house. when we entered the home it was like entering a reality warp. it was all ozzy and harriet inside. his girlfriend had soup on the stove and roast in the oven. the house was hotel lobby clean. her dress starched, her apron starched, her hair up in a bun, just a little to tight and high on her head. the soup pot had vegetables that were whole, and larger than usual sticking up over the rim of the pot. a bouquet of carrots, celery, kate greens, whole leeks and garlics, not really cooking down though there was steam rising around them. my kids dad, who was once my husband, was formal and polite as he greeted us and welcomed us into the house. the boys seemed to pass through this warp. upon entering the home their disheveled ways transformed into clean behind the ears, tidied up and buttoned down appearances. they sat quietly and only spoke when spoken to. I was grossly out of place in this environment. everything was unfamiliar, even my own kids. i felt lost and scared and woke trying to convince my children to leave with me.