I dream of dada

Dream Number 98: “her belly is vibrating like a speaker”
April 15, 2009, 5:44 am
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: ,

sleeping in the top bunk inside a yurt at nehalem bay i have another dream of a house with odd doors and passageways and corners including a cellar stairway with some sort of bubbly glass shower door rigged across it with inner tubes and baling wire- someone opens it for me and i feel delighted- special! Continue reading

Dream Number 94: “He was reaching for a word, and I knew the one he needed.”
April 6, 2009, 6:01 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , ,

Michael writes:

Steve Vai came to me in a dream last summer with an important
metaphysical lesson.

I was attending his guitar masterclass. Somehow he lapsed into the
topic of global politics and social issues with a very heart-oriented
world view. This became his main focus while some of the students in
the class noodled on their guitars. I sat with my guitar and was
engaged by what he was saying. Continue reading

Dream Number 72: “Beneutnung /bay-NOYT-noong/”
March 16, 2009, 5:24 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags:

Judd sends us:

Somehow, I am either walking down a suburban street, similar to a flat-ground subdivision in St Louis Park, MN with mature trees among the houses, or I begin this dream while inside one of these houses. It is a refreshing, clear, sunny day (feels like morning).

I begin to hear the sound of a band playing in the middle of a nearby street. I can hear the singer (male? female?). The words are in German, and I know them, so I sing along to myself. I walk toward the sound of the band playing. Continue reading

Dream Number 68: “…were they part of the role he was playing for me?”
March 13, 2009, 7:27 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , ,

Gina writes:

This morning a dream that took on the dimensions of the Magus. Train stations, trains, my lover and a guitar player. My lover is trying not to notice where I am or who I am meeting. My guilt. 

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Dream Number 55: “…an iron and wine song about killing mice in the bath tub…”
March 3, 2009, 4:55 pm
Filed under: Dreams | Tags: , , , ,

Rachel writes:

I’m in the bathroom of my grandmother’s house, trying to kill all the mice that have moved in there. It looks empty, but apparently you can’t put down a bowl without catching several mice, so I’m doing just that. I put down a bowl in the empty bathtub and suddenly it’s full of tiny mice scratching around and trying to get out. So, I pour them into a paper bag at my side, and keep scooping them out. Inspired by what was apparently an iron and wine song about killing mice in the bath tub (it started playing in my mind and I thought it’d be a great idea), I take the little mice out and throw them against the tiled wall. They leave red smears of blood where they hit. Continue reading